I Could Use Some Help!
I’m asking my friends to pray for me for the next three weeks as I work on my dissertation. In order to be on track to graduate in May I have to have a complete rough draft of my dissertation ready by the middle of January. That’s not outside the realm of possibility, but at this point it is going to be quite a task. This week we’re in Texas where I’m house-sitting for some friends, which allows me to have a lot of quiet time and enables me to give the project my undivided attention. We’ll be heading back to the chilly Midwest next week and I’ll probably go into hiding again at the local Catholic seminary while my mom comes up to help with the kids. The next couple of months will probably be the most challenging and the most important months of my long academic journey. If you’re a praying person, your prayers for me would be greatly appreciated.
I will pray for you...
even harder, because I have this suspicion that you're dogsitting, too
...but don't reply, write!
Part of the good work he began in you involves you finishing your dissertation, and he's gonna finish it, like you're gonna finish it. It'll be a great thing.
Posted by amykberger | 12:31 AM
you have my prayers. If you are in the metroplex...avoid the temptation to get out and have fun, unless you need a break and want to grab a drink...I will buy!
I know what you are going through, you have my pity and my prayers!
Posted by Cody H. | 6:19 PM
Will continue to pray for successful completion of this leg of your schooling. :-) Git urdun!
Posted by Nate | 9:36 AM
Hey Bud! We missed seeing you at your Mom's the other day, but at least we got a visit in with your lovely wife and amazing (and lovely as well) sons.
Finish that dissertation, guy! Then come to Paris and we'll have an all day Star Wars marathon...episodes I - VI...with a Special Emphasis on episode IV.
Love and prayers for all things good.
Aunt Frances
Posted by cruisermom | 8:29 PM